NCS – Neuro/Core/Stretch (ages 4 and up)

A Child Performing Ballet In A Sydney Dance Studio

In addition to our Classical Ballet Program, our Curriculum also incorporates a Cognitive Learning’  Program.  In Classical ballet training a Body Conditioning Alignment Program is now known to be an essential addition for injury prevention and to promote joint motion & torso control. 

Formulated with the assistance of several body specialists, in the early years this Program is designed to provide children with a strong foundation in sensory motor skills, hand/eye co-ordination, social/listening skills and co-operative play.

For our more mature students, this Program can offer increased flexibility, core strength and neurological balance of the body.  This is achieved through our component exercises which aim to enhance sensory motor development and prime the central nervous system to receive the information it needs through the connection of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  More specifically, this is achieved through the following components;

  • Through a series of Neuro-integration and Proprioception exercises, the brain is reorganized and re-patterned making sure both sides of the brain are firing well and communicating in a desired manner, improving nervous system organization.
  • Our Limbic exercises assist with healthy growth and development and reduce stress levels caused through limbic dysfunction
  • Our Core exercises are designed to improve posture, stability and abdominal muscle strength while working all the other muscle groups
  • Our Stretching exercises are designed to increase muscle control/memory, flexibility and range of motion

Attendance in this Program enables students to consolidate their learning in their Classical Ballet Class at a faster pace and fast-track their progress through the levels.

Students will also grow in ease, grace and confidence through their dancing, learn to balance and co-ordinate their bodies better and increase their ability to multi-task (a skill required in ballet when activating certain muscle groups whilst following a series of body movements).

Although classical ballet appears to be delicate and gentle in nature it demands strong body placement and core control (core referring to those muscles of the abdomen, back & pelvic region).  A strong centre (our centre of gravity lying in our pelvis) also ensures smoother, more co-ordinated aligned movements, assisting dancer’s pirouettes, jumps & landings, better placement and in due course assists with the progression to pointe work.

Each child can develop from good training, whether to embark upon a professional career or to improve posture & general health.

If you are passionate about your child’s health & well being and would like your child to receive more from his/her investment in dancing then this program is for you. Call 0418 486 569 to discover more.

Kids Ballet Sydney