A sense of fun and and a readiness to play. Please see below for a full list of requirements.
Class Attire
Please bring along a pair of socks. If you would like to bring along your child’s favourite dancing outfit, please ensure the skirt sits well above the upper thigh for ease of corrections.
Please also ensure your child’s hair is appropriately groomed for class by securing the hair neatly away from the face to avoid distraction.
If attending one of our Saturday classes at St Anne’s Hall, please bring along a pair of soft dancing shoes (such as jiffies or preferably ballet shoes).
As part of SuperBaby’s commitment to safe dance practice and the welfare of your child, we require that all students arrive and leave the Studio in normal clothes.
Food and Drink
Please pack a bottle of water (non-spill container) into your child’s bag. All other food and drink is strictly prohibited within the ballet classroom, thankyou.
Please ensure your child visits the bathroom prior to the commencement of class.